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8:32 AM | Permalink
yeshonesty in your actions and being true to yourself are part & parcle of the path to god's doorstepthe questions you will be aske don that day aren't whether you followed a church but whether you followed your heart (which god holds always)
Posted by debb | 7:43 AM
Yes Debb, I too would opt for honesty and I have taken contrary stands on certain moral issues where I disagree with my church.It's not an easy road sometimes; but living a lie, being inauthentic, and failing to be true to what I believe is a much rougher road to travel.
Posted by Jerri | 8:29 AM
honesty in your actions and being true to yourself are part & parcle of the path to god's doorstep
the questions you will be aske don that day aren't whether you followed a church but whether you followed your heart (which god holds always)
Posted by
debb |
7:43 AM
Yes Debb, I too would opt for honesty and I have taken contrary stands on certain moral issues where I disagree with my church.
It's not an easy road sometimes; but living a lie, being inauthentic, and failing to be true to what I believe is a much rougher road to travel.
Posted by
Jerri |
8:29 AM