What if?
If Jesus appeared in your living room one Sunday morning and asked you to take him to your church for Sunday service, what would he think of your church building(s)?
What would he think of your worship? The lights, the powerpoint production, the sound boards, the choir robes...would those things please him?
Do you think Christ would approve of our "culture of christianity"?
The bumper stickers, the tapes, the videos, the how to be more like Christ in thirty days books....
Would Jesus approve?
Or would Christ be more concerned by those he saw absent in your church?
Would he miss the lost?
Would he miss the homeless?
Would he miss the hungry?
Would he miss the broken?
Somehow, I don't think our pretty sanctuaries, or our dog and pony worship productions would impress Christ, but what do I know?
I'm just an ordinary woman, thinking ordinary thoughts and asking ordinary question.
What would he think of your worship? The lights, the powerpoint production, the sound boards, the choir robes...would those things please him?
Do you think Christ would approve of our "culture of christianity"?
The bumper stickers, the tapes, the videos, the how to be more like Christ in thirty days books....
Would Jesus approve?
Or would Christ be more concerned by those he saw absent in your church?
Would he miss the lost?
Would he miss the homeless?
Would he miss the hungry?
Would he miss the broken?
Somehow, I don't think our pretty sanctuaries, or our dog and pony worship productions would impress Christ, but what do I know?
I'm just an ordinary woman, thinking ordinary thoughts and asking ordinary question.
I would invite him into my backyard, which has a view of the Sandia mountians and let him know that this, the out of doors, the places his father made for us to breathe fresh air, is my church.
it is simple, accessable and open all the time.
the choir are the songbirds, the gospel is in the wind and weather and grwoing things all around.
I would hope that be enough.
it is for me.
Posted by
debb |
4:39 PM